Status survey and conservation action plan for the Black Crowned Crane Balearica Pavonina

Home » Publications » Healthy Wetland Nature » Species » Status survey and conservation action plan for the Black Crowned Crane Balearica Pavonina

We provide recommendations for the future conservation of Black Crowned Cranes and their wetland habitats at a species and sub-species level. We recommend launching public awareness programmes for the Black Crowned Crane as a flagship species for wetland conservation, initiating case studies to find solutions to significant threats, developing integrated management programmes for critical wetlands and catchments, advocating for designation of key sites as Wetlands of International Importance, transferring the Black Crowned Crane from CITES Appendix II to Appendix I, strengthening the network and working group to promote further research, monitoring and exchange of information, and convening an international, range-wide workshop to plan future conservation measures.

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