
Save Our Mangroves!

Wetlands International Africa and IUCN are combining their efforts within the PRCM to promote a wiser use of mangrove resources. The unique functions and values of mangroves […]

Pilot project for Sustainable Coastal management in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone’s coastal and marine biodiversity faces many threats ranging from habitat destruction, climate change (coastal erosion, flooding and droughts), hunting, collection of sea turtle […]

Biofuels in Africa

In 2020, Africa is expected to produce a relatively small but substantial part of the global biofuel demand. Millions of hectares will be turned into […]

Annual Review 2007

Our Annual Review 2007 covers our global organisation and presents the financial information, all our projects, publications and achievements. Wetlands International clearly demonstrated in 2007 the important […]

Facts about violated World Bank and African Development Bank Policies in the controversial Bujagali Project

The World Bank and African Development Bank and other International Finance Institutions (IFIs) are trying to help Uganda develop additional power generation capacity to meet the […]

Niger Basin Atlas

This ‘Atlas of the Niger River Basin’, published with the technical support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), is intended to better know the importance […]

Strengthening policies for wise use and management of wetlands in four ecoregions (West and Central Africa): Contribution by Wetlands International

This recommendation brochure is the culmination of a lengthy process of exchanges and discussions between wetlands and ibodiversity specialists, representatives of government agencies and ministries, and […]

Priority conservation actions for coastal wetlands of the Gulf of Guinea

Results from an Ecoregional Workshop, Pointe-Noire, Congo, 19-22 April 2005. The Ecoregional Workshop was hosted and supported by the Ministry of Forest Economy and the […]

Land Cover and Avian Biodiversity in Rice Fields and Mangroves of West Africa

Striking a Balance

This leaflet promotes the Striking a Balance (SAB) approach, which seeks to address the widespread and growing pressures on wetlands in Africa from agricultural and other […]