
Will the Inner Niger Delta shrivel up due to climate change and water use upstream?

When the climate will change in the Sahel, this will have an impact on the flooding of the Inner Niger Delta and, therefore, also on its […]

The Critical Site Network

Conservation of Internationally Important Sites for Waterbirds in the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement Area This publication aims to provide an overview of the Critical Sites identified […]

Strategic Intent 2011-2020

The Strategic Intent 2011-2020 is the ten year outlook for our organisation and the overarching strategy for the organisation worldwide. It reflects the new challenges for wetland […]

The flyway approach to the conservation and wise use of waterbirds and wetlands: A Training Kit

The new Flyway Training Kit is a one-of-a-kind resource in flyway-scale conservation and represents an important step towards meeting core strategic objectives of the Ramsar Convention […]

Flood Prediction tool OPIDIN

Supporting Freshwater Biodiversity in Africa’s Inner Niger Delta Brochure by Wetlands International Africa on the Flood Prediction Tool for the Inner Niger Delta in Mali […]

Annual Report 2010

The Annual Report 2010 of Wetlands International Africa summarises the projects and achievements of our Africa team over 2010.

Wetlands International 2010 Annual Review

Our annual review provides a great and global overview of all our achievements, our projects, our publications and other products, our donors and our financial […]

AfWC Newsletter – June 2010

This newsletter covers outcomes that have resulted from the UNEP-GEF African-Eurasian Flyways Project also known as the Wings Over Wetlands Project (WOW). The newsletter highlights […]

Impact of dams on the people of Mali

This brochure provides a base for decisions regarding the use of water of the Upper Niger. The brochure presents facts about proposed and existing dams […]

Networking to Conserve our Biodiversity

BIOMAC aims to coordinate conservation efforts in 7 countries: Senegal, Mauritania, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, and Cape Verde. BIOMAC, which seeks to harmonise these actors and their […]