

Landscape scale Disaster Risk Reduction: Keeping the water in the landscape, Uganda

Wetlands International Africa Annual Report 2016

African Waterbird Census Site Description Form

African Waterfowl Census Form West Africa

Explanatory Note and Guidelines for the Site Description form of the African Waterfowl Census

This Explanatory Note and Guidelines for the Site Description form of the African Waterfowl Census is largely based on the text of the Explanatory Notes […]

Fieldwork and training for monitoring fish bio-diversity along the coast of West Africa using seabirds as indicators

Managing Mali’s Wetland Wealth for People and Nature

Wetlands International has been in Mali since 1998. As we near the end of a second decade in the country, we want to highlight and celebrate what’s […]

Annual Report 2014 Africa

2014 was a dynamic year for Africa’s regional office of Wetlands International which continued to consolidate its good achievements. Many strategic actions were implemented by the organisation […]

Mobile Exposition: Save Our Mangroves!

Save Our Mangroves! is a mobile exposition in three languages: English, French and Portuguese, which highlights the importance of mangrove forests in West Africa, the drivers […]

Water sharing in the Upper Niger Basin

The scope of this study encompasses the Upper Niger Basin in Mali, focussing on the downstream Inner Niger Delta up to Tombouctou. It focuses on […]