Impact of dams on the people of Mali

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This brochure provides a base for decisions regarding the use of water of the Upper Niger. The brochure presents facts about proposed and existing dams and on the costs and benefits, winners and losers.

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In the near future, several decisions have to be taken by global donors and the governments of Mali and Guinea regarding the use of river water in the Upper Niger Basin.

The major ones concern the building of four proposed dams: the Tossaye, Talo, Djenné and Fomi dam. Other decisions relate to the water management such as the expansion of the irrigation in Office the Niger (Markala dam).
With this brochure, we show the costs and benefits of three dams (Fomi, Markala and Selingué) and which sectors, regions and communities in both countries win or lose.

The publication is made by the Wetlands International with the following partners:
– Alternburg & Wybenga
– IVN (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

and is funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs through PREM (Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management).