
Sévaré, Mali / Planning and Water Resources Management – Wetlands International builds the capacity of CSOs in Upper Niger and DIN on communication and advocacy

On initiative of the Integrated Management Water Resources Programme (Bam-Gire), funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mali, Wetlands International Mali […]

Uganda / Wetlands Management – The Governing Council of the RAMCEA defines its operating rules

The Ramsar Centre for Eastern Africa (RAMCEA) on Tuesday 10th November 2015 marked yet another important milestone by approving, adopting and signing the Rules and Regulations […]

Conservation of Waterbird: The 2015 AEWA Award, won by AIV Ndiaël, presented to the Regional Director of Wetlands International

Amadou Sow, president of the Inter Villager Association (AIV) of Ndiaël returned in glory from Bonn, Germany, with the 2015 AEWA Prize received on Monday, […]

AEWA 2015 Award for the conservation of birds – Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye and AIV Ndiaël honored this morning in Bonn

Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye and the Inter-Villager Association (AIV) of Ndiaël, all from Senegal, received this Monday, November 9, 2015 in Bonn, the prestigious 2015 Award […]

Bonn, Germany / 2015 AEWA Waterbird Conservation Award – The Inter Villager Association of Ndiaël, a Partner and Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye a former staff of Wetlands International get award

The Inter Villager Association (AIV) of Ndiaël and Colonel Abdoulaye Ndiaye are the AEWA 2015 award winners, respectively in institutional and the individual category for […]

Praia, Cape Verde / 8th Forum of the PRCM – Wetlands International’s CEO calls for a consideration of climate change in the conservation of wetlands

Wetlands International actively participated in the opening of the 8th edition of the marine and coastal regional forum of the PRCM currently on course in […]

Senegal / Gambia / Capacity building for migratory birds site managers

Wetlands International will train late October 2015 selected leaders of both countries on the management of sites by the flyway approach. Wetlands International through the […]

Sustainable management of mangroves in Africa – Wetlands International and IUCN work on a Regional Programme

Under the support of the Regional Partnership for the Conservation of Coastal and Marine Zone in West Africa (PRCM), Wetlands International and the International Union […]

How can we ensure water security for all?

Wetlands International will be speaking about this issue at the upcoming Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting. The Clinton Global Initiative was established in 2005 by […]

Wetlands International commits to reduce water scarcity by restoring wetlands during Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting 2015

Global NGO with head office in The Netherlands, calls for ecosystem approach to tackle growing water risks. From Saturday 26 till Tuesday 29 September the […]