
Wetlands International Kenya, NEMA in partnership to improve management of wetlands

On April 19, 2017, Wetlands International Kenya and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) of Kenya signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that provides for […]

Saving Ethiopia’s Lake Abijatta – by showing its value for people and nature

Wetlands International and the Rift Valley Lakes Basin Authority recently organised a three-day workshop themed The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity: a knowledge agenda for the […]

Sénégal / Sustainable community based enterprise ‘’Promoting oyster farming in the Sine Saloum Delta. ’’ Project launched

Funded by Thewaterloofoundation and executed by the Inter-Villager Association of Dassilamé (AIV), the project ‘’Promoting oyster farming as a sustainable community enterprise in the Sine […]

Launch of the 2016 World Disasters Report in Senegal – Resilience to natural ecosystems & major change in the financing of international aid recommended

The 2016 World Disasters Report has been published recently in Senegal by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. According to the […]

Senegal / Bird Conservation – The 14th Pan African Ornithological Congress (PAOC) launched in Dakar

The 14th Pan-African Ornithological Congress is on in Senegal. PAOC 14 was launched on Monday, October 17th, 2016 in Dakar by Senegal’s Minister of Environment […]

Senegal / PAOC 14. The Study on Black Crowned Crane in Casamance presented at the Congress

On the sidelines of the 14th edition of the Pan-African Ornithological Congress (PAOC14) held in Dakar from 16th to 21st October 2016, the study on […]

Guinea-Bissau / Restoration of degraded mangrove areas – 104.3 hectares reforested by Wetlands International to conserve biodiversity

Wetlands International, the Office of Coastal Planning, the Institute of Biodiversity and Marine Protected Areas (IBAP) and the communities along the Mangroves Natural Park of […]

Kenya / How to open development when the Tana Basin is closing

On 29th of September 2016 Wetlands International successfully launched one of its latest report a study on The Economics of Ecosystem Services of the Tana […]

Tanzania / Wetlands International at the 6th Africa Water Week

Wetlands International joined thousands of delegates including decision-makers, civil society organisations and citizens from all over Africa to chart a way forward to tackle the […]

Mali / Water management of wetlands: towards setting a methodology for determining environmental flows for the Upper and Inner Niger Delta

The development of a participatory methodology for determining environmental flows for the Upper and Inner Niger Delta, was the purpose of the international workshop that […]