

Kenya hosts the 41st Water, Engineering and Development Centre International Conference

Kenya hosted the 41st Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) International Conference at Egerton University in Nakuru County from the 9th to 13th July 2018. […]


Ethiopia Benchmarking tour on wetland policy processes and legislative frameworks in Uganda

A delegation from Ethiopia comprising government officials and other stakeholders took part in a study tour in Uganda from 25th to 29th June 2018 to […]


The First Adaptation Futures Conference held in Africa

Adaptation Futures is the world’s premier conference on climate change adaptation, with the participation of about 1,000 scientists, practitioners, business leaders and policymakers from around […]


Annual Review and Accounts 2017

Wetlands International has continued its’ work in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean to show how managing wetlands can open the door to sustainable […]


Uganda National Wetlands Policy Review 23 Years in the Making Finally Kicks off

The government of Uganda officially embarked on a journey that will see them review their National Policy for the Conservation of Wetlands and Management of […]


Realizing SDG 6: IWRM key in achieving sustainably improved WASH

The need for sustainable WASH services to include water security issues is becoming increasingly accepted. Sustainable Development Goal 6 acknowledges and promotes the use of integrated […]


Assessing Capacities of Local Communities to Manage Water Resources

Wetlands International Kenya with support from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and in collaboration with the Water Resources Authority (WRA) facilitated Organisational Capacity Assessments […]


Researchers carry out baseline studies for 54,000Ha of mangroves in Rufiji Delta

Rufiji Delta is a host to several villages including Nyamisati, and Jaja. During this month of May – these villages have been home to a […]


New Kenya wetlands regulations set to ease overload threatening the country’s water security

Kenya has been experiencing many challenges affecting the wetland ecosystem, which vary from human-induced to natural causes with lots of concerns raised over the current […]


New lease on life for Upper Tana as Wetlands International-CEPF Partnership aims to Improve Governance of Water Resources

Wetlands International Kenya is partnering with the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) on a new project meant to address challenges facing the Upper Tana Catchment […]